Welcome to my website

Welcome to my website about my iris breeding (irises, more precisely: Iris barbata and I. spuria). I'm looking forward to your visit.

Here I present you my own breed of irises. In 2006 I made my first crosses and since then I have been breeding dwarf, medium and tall irises (bearded iris, Iris barbata 'nana', 'intermedia', 'elatior', SDB, MDB, IB, BB, MTB, TB). In 2020 I made the first crosses with Iris spuria.
I sorted my plants in the left sidebar by breeding year, color and varieties from other iris breeders.
From 2006 to 2011 I cultivated irises in my gardens in Halle/Saale, then in 2012 I moved to Chemnitz for work-related reasons and I planted the plants in Neuendettelsau. In 2013 I started crossing again. My breeding goals are plicata, spurred, green, striped, multicolored flowers and unusual patterns. I have been living in Neuendettelsau since 2020 and therefore always with my plants.

Not only can you look at the results of my iris cultivation, you can also buy some irises. In my webshop you can see what I currently offer. I run iris breeding as a small business.

My plants are named alphabetically according to the year of breeding. The plants of the crosses from 2006 get names with A, from 2007 names with B, etc. In addition, the variety names are neologisms, so it is easier to find them when searching on the Internet. Practically no meaning can be assigned to the names, I pay more attention to the sound. Registered variety names can be found on the Registered Varieties pages. Even if plants are not yet registered as varieties, they are of course used for crossbreeding and it is much more practical to use names than to write down the whole crossbreeding history ;-).

Have fun browsing!


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